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Mott MacDonald Bentley presented with prestigious ‘Designed in Wales’ award

Our Mott MacDonald Bentley (MMB) team at Bewdley Bank Service Reservoir in Wales were delighted to scoop the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) Wales Cymru 'Designed in Wales' award.

To increase the resilience of Hereford’s water supply network, we designed and built a 34 megalitre service reservoir at Bewdley Bank for Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water. The ICE in both the West Midlands and Wales recognised its excellence, awarding the project the Innovation and Designed in Wales Awards, respectively. The latter is presented to the best project designed in Wales and constructed elsewhere (either in the UK or overseas).

By taking a procurement-based approach to project delivery, several efficiencies were realised, including an enhanced focus on quality and right first-time delivery. Standard designs already successfully deployed elsewhere in MMB were used where practical and accelerated the design programme. Using supplier expertise and early input minimised re-design further down the line. Our workforce learnt from colleagues’ experience on previous reservoir sites – bringing first-hand knowledge and best practice to work at Bewdley Bank.

The design itself incorporated a semi-precast structure which allowed significant programme and health and safety benefits during construction. The judges praised the scheme’s strong sustainability focus with a public health driver at its core and an emphasis on landscape considerations, materials re-use, sustainable drainage, and ecology.

Jamie Colwell, Design Director at Mott MacDonald Bentley, commented:

“Winning this award is great recognition for both a fantastic project and a superb team effort – especially having been previously praised for innovation on this scheme. It’s rewarding to see our relationship with DCWW progress from strength to strength – and being recognised by the ICE really highlights this.”

The ICE Wales Cymru Awards were held virtually on 1 December 2021, recognising teams and individuals that have delivered some of the best civil engineering projects/work across the country. Find out more about the awards here.

Read more about our work at Bewdley Bank at Water Projects Online.

Overhead view of Bewdley Bank Service Reservoir

Overhead view of Bewdley Bank Service Reservoir

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